Job Shadows

What is a job shadow?
The BEA Job Shadow program provides students with the opportunity to observe a worksite related to their career/technical program or interests. A job shadow typically lasts a half-day or full work day and scheduling is determined by the host site and student.
What are the benefits of organizing a job shadow?
Job shadows benefit both the student and the worksite host. For students, job shadows are an excellent way to find out if their ideal career choice is right for them - can I see myself in this role doing these types of tasks? Students are able to connect with career mentors and better identify technical and college training programs to help prepare them for their chosen career. When worksites host students, they are helping to ensure the quality of the future workforce and have a unique opportunity to instill in students a sense of what it takes to be successful.
What are the job shadow host's responsibilities?
Worksites interested in hosting a student job shadow should contact the BEA. The BEA will work with local schools to identify students interested in the career and schedule a half-day or full day job shadow with the worksite. Once a time and day for the job shadow is determined by the worksite and student (students are responsible for coordinating their own transportation to and from the worksite), students will report to the worksite and shadow one or more employees. Worksites are encouraged to give students a tour of the site and introduce students to the various jobs at the worksite. Hosts do not need to "entertain" the student - just walk the student through your daily tasks and answer any questions that they may have.
What if I cannot host a student at my worksite?
Sometimes job shadows are not feasible for careers associated with privacy and security. Consider being a guest speaker in a local classroom and share with students information on your career and what skills or training students should acquire if they wish to follow in your footsteps. For more information on how you can be a guest speaker in local schools, click HERE.
I am a student interested in shadowing a potential career/industry. What are my next steps?
Students wishing to shadow a career/industry of interest should first talk with their school guidance counselor or school-to-work coordinator (he/she will be able to provide you more details on any job shadow rules and restrictions in the school district). Students approved for participation in a job shadow must then complete a Internship/Job Shadow Consent Form. Students are required to read over the "Student Responsibilities" section and have a parent/guardian review the "Parent/Guardian Responsibilities" section. The completed form MUST be approved and signed by the student, parent/guardian, school administrator, and BEA Director before the student is assigned a job shadow experience. Please note that not all job shadows are promised - it depends on the availability and interest from the worksite/industry and the availability of the student. We recommend that students list their Top 3 careers to shadow in the event their first pick is not available. Please review the Junior Achievement "World of Work" worksheet for help selecting related careers (click HERE).